Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sick ass jumps!!!!

HAHAHA, well...not so sick...and not so much "jumps" :D

Anyway, I told Chris to go down a ways and prep the video on the camera...and wait for something spectacular. :D
Here are a couple videos that we took of me on the snowboard. For the record, it's been 2 years, since I board...I'm just saying. What I love about snowboarding is the learning curve is so fast.

You're doing it wrong!!!!

You're doing it wrong......AGAIN!!!!!!

Finally, something right!

well, I can't usually get videos loaded directly to blogger...so I just put them on youtube.com. enjoy.

I think it's time I go snowboarding outside of Tahoe too. Got an invite to Salt Lake City, Utah. :D


Smut Mutt said...

Wow, you got almost 6" of air! HaHa!

I don't jump much myself - falls hurt too much in my senior years.

Wicked Itch & I are going to Salt Lake City the whole 1st week of Feb. Great place for boarders!

machete said...

HAHAHAHA, i know dude, it was awesome.
aw, damn dude. wish I'd seen this sooner. My buddy "cockrider", hasher in SLC, has been bugging me to come up and snowboard. Catch you on the next one.