Saturday, February 27, 2010


Well, that rounds out a 4 month contract at Dell Childrens MC in Austin. I can't say enough good things about this hospital and it's staff in the Peds e.r. They are the most fun I've had in a job in more than 5 years. We worked hard, saw some crazy shit and partied harder, together, as a cohesive group from the same unit.
Most I have in California was random people getting to know each other, as the unit there tends to more isolation between staff, due to the nature of the childrens illness. (Usually, 1 RN per patient)

It's sunny outside this morning, as I took a deep breath and walked out of the hosp. We had a blast last night, loads of fun, with the wide range of patients. Lots of food on accountant of it being my last day, which was great. And a bunch of us went over to Amaya's Cafe for breakfast and beer.
The girls gave me a box of Frosted Flakes cereal, in honor of our conversation earlier that night about what breast milk tasted like, and since they had both nursed, they said they'd both tasted their own breast milk. hahaha in and of itself awesomely hot!!!! hahahha So I asked what it tasted like, and they said, mildly sweet milk.....kinda like the milk in a bowl of Frosted Flakes. hahahaha

The days are gonna fly over the next week. A supposed Full Moon Hash tonight in Austin, the regular AH3 tomorrow, and the guys from work wanna get some beers tonight, probably after the full moon H3.

it's going to be nice out, in Austin today. Gonna wake up early and see what's going on.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear Leuk,

Skin so soft on her head
color is blue
vomit on bed
meds are given
no more twitching
just another day
working in the kitchin

bleh night at work.

countdown continues: 1

Thursday, February 25, 2010


HAHAHAHAHAHA this photo cracks me up so much. A few weekends ago with some great friends and hashers in Houston for the inaugaral Brass Monkey H3. goofing for the camera, I got this picture sent back with a messed up caption. LOL

Is it me, or it my imagination?

The over reactive white parents come to the e.r. at 5am with c/o of kid moaning. Kid looks phenomenal on arrival, and gets blood work.

Mexican family comes in, fevers and same chief complaint...and off you go with a "viral infection", no treatment other than tylenol and motrin.

weird, cause assuming that all those kids aren't sick, has bitten people in the ass before.

sunny day in Austin today, nice cool weather this morning, took a deep breath as I walked out the e.r. doors, as per usual, and was in a good mood today. jamming to some cool jams now, as I fight the sleep, jazzed up as I count down to 2 more shifts at work here in Austin.

This contract has been amazingly fun. Lots of people that I got to meet, and some fun and drunk times here. I'm going to miss the dim witted, window lickers that I work with here, as they were all super fun, annoying, helpful, funny and loudmouthed, all rolled up into one.

countdown on days to go: 2

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snowpocalypse?! or.....

.....the storm that wasn't?!

Who knows, I heard about it, but never saw it. :(

From what friends were saying, it was snowing like crazy in Austin, blanketing the ground. hahaha strange for this area, but not unheard of. Unfortunately, by the time I flew back into town, it seems any proof of it was gone from the ground. There seemed to be a bit of "snow" on my windshield. but alas, no sign of it.

I heard all kinds of stories from friends who immediately called work to see if they were cancelled. Driving in the snow is not a habit around here, and people were freaking. Luckily I don't think there was too much to it, as crashes seemed light.

ah well, one more week here, then back out to Ca. for some work before flying to Colorado Springs for some beer drinking and slow running. :D hahaha

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

almost. time.

flying back to Austin in about 5 hours. off of work in about 2 hours. some packing, some breakfast, and I promise I'll update photos tonight when I get home...hahaha after some much needed Texas BBQ and a good beer at Lovejoys.

training...oh yeah, some hill sprints tomorrow before work. where? well, somewhere in Austin that has more than a 500 ft elevation change....possible? not that i know of! hahaha

re-activated my membership to the SF climbing gym, as I'll be here more in March and can get some good workouts running to the gym and climbing.