Friday, May 1, 2009

quick update... I head out the door.

Heading down to Kernville, Ca. for the tri-hashathon weekend. Pub crawl tonight, Saturday: Mtn Biking, Trail running and Kayaking some class 3's....with...yep, you guessed it....lots of beer. haha

Got so much to catch up and photos galore, will get on it right when I get back on Monday. TXIH was a blast, so much fun....need to post those photos, got back to the bay area in no time flat....been working the mid-week and spending the weekends playing.

First race of the season this past weekend was phenomenal...had a great time with great friends and I've still got perma grin over it.

Battling with the videos to get them up as well.

Here's some quick photos from last weekend:
The kimchis welcoming the KDH3 and all others with lots of booze.
KDH3 lined up ready to ride...long ass 7 hour ride...hahaha as that is how we roll.
Property! Funniest thing, is that he was sharpied while awake, and dancing...but too drunk to know better or be able to tell they were writing on him.
Race practice on Saturday. Myself and Stan crossing the finish line...( me in front) :D
Race Inc. posers.
Photo courtesy of Dito @ one of the finest track photographers around. Again, me in front of Stan on the track.
Race start in Open Twins.
The guys getting ready to go out on track. Probably my most favorite part of race weekend is being out there with my friends who do the same thing as me, with race fumes, engines revving to the max, lots of shit talking and loads of fun and harrowing experiences on the track.
You can just barely see Chris' rear wheel on the left of that photo. Then it's Stan, Conan, Micke and myself. With Go-Go in the back stretching on his tricked out KTM LC8 I believe. That dude is super fucking fast on a naked bike...but had some issues with suspension. I'm rooting for him at next round to kick some of the big bikes' asses.

Off to do exciting, and then pack up the truck for the drive to Kernville. See some of you on Sunday night.