Monday, May 11, 2009

Arrival...ON ON to the weekend...(Friday)

Friday morning we got up fairly early, after lots of planning and posturing about how we were going to get out on time. 8am departure....yeah right....for the record, this is about as close to actual time that we have ever left....we were on the road by 8:45am. :D The ride north was fun, we got out of the Austin area fairly quickly, and then paralleled IH 35 north.

The weather was nice and sunny, but there was a heavy breeze going throughout the day.

No one ran out of gas, but we did manage to get separated at a small town somewhere near our destination. A bit of backtracking and everyone is reunited, as we roll into the camp site.

Knave was following in his truck with the trailer...and all of the makings of the KDH3 palatial palace of pleasure (said with a slight lisp). It would rock and be the defacto after party location for the weekend...complete with bumping music from DJ K-nave, lights and fog machine. It was located on a slight downhill slant, which didn't help NBN out when he was bouncing around drunk off his ass. He kept rolling down to the far end of the structure. Hilarious.

Knuckledraggers H3 M.C. has arrived, parked, and started to drink at this point.
My bike on the left, and Donnie's bike.

The campsite was very spacious, as it's a Mountain Bike ranch. Which means that the trails should be killer, right? There is so many single tracks that we should have a great trail on Saturday...or so I hoped.
People catching up, meeting up and drinking beer. The Ryder truck in the background is full of kegs of beer for the whole weekend.
This was the scene when we arrived, as the already arrived Kimchi's from Colorado were passing out the 40's and hooping it up by the time we arrived.
Net...trouble is coming. hahaha
Compound logistics. a) place tent in that general direction b) make sure Net doesn't get drunk before putting up tent. c) fix tent that Net put up while drunk d) find Donnie's brother who is buried in the tent that is rolling across the field due to the high winds, cause Net was drunk and put the poles in the wrong way and didn't stake the tent down. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Donnie and Cocktor Spork (named on Sunday)

Late evening music and shenanigans.
Ranger Smurf and Tekillya Tits

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