On Friday at 4:20pm tickets went on sale for Cypress Hill at the Fillmore, and I got 2. Concert is on 4/20 (April 20th, of course)
On another note, I'm sitting here sore as fuck, and loving it. Completed my first Ultra Marathon yesterday (albeit a wee one) but still...fuck yo marathon distance! hahahahaha
I'll write up a full story later, as I'm just chilling today.
Race started at 0830 yesterday.
distance: 50k (30miles)
Time: 8 hours 18 min (super slow, yes, I know)
Location: Oakland Hills
Elevation gain: 5,030ft
Place: DFL
The course was laid out decently with colored ribbon marking the course.
There were 4 races that day (50k, 30k, 20k and 10k) The 50k would run a 20k loop, with a 10k spur added to it (with a mondo drop into the valley and then a climb out), and then drop bags at the finish (30k into the race) and then we went out for a second 20k loop to complete the 50k.
I am torn about that. I kind of like the unknown factor of one giant loop out, and it can be demoralizing sometimes to know what you are about to get into, for a 2nd time with the same loop. Oh well, not too bad. Pushed it, and didn't stop moving forward. I think from now on, I will do these with friends, hashers and the likes. I'm glad to have done it solely on my own, but don't want it to be a chore. Would rather have fun with other hashers and shit.
Got lots of positive feedback on my hash shirt that said "Math is hard, drinking is easy" :D
I'm signed up for the Big Horns 50k, but will see about maybe a half marathon in Santa Cruz that is coming up in a month or so. Will go for a 1-2 mile walk tomorrow.
At the finish, the organizers were very cool, and my "coaster" had "First Ultramarathon" on it. hahaha cool
Kudos. You're lucky Nacheaux wasn't there, she woulda whooped your ass!
Do as many 20 mile runs as you can between now and Big Horn. You'll hafta take BH a bit more seriously if you want to finish, that altitude is gonna work you over pretty good.
Good God stop trying to be Brownie! Congrats anyway!
I just drank every night for 15 straight days...not quite a marathon, but much more fun.
You're bragging about 15 days?
Thanks. will put in more miles, and signed up for some smaller races (half marathons, etc) Worst thing was my right lower leg and foot were in pretty good pain. still some pretty good swelling today. I wasn't out of breath, so much as slowing down due to pain in the foot.
Donnie, 15 days, really?! that's it. :D hahaha
I'm gonna let my foot rest one more day before going back out on it.
I wasn't bragging just stating fact. I have no doubts brownie could drink for 15 straight days...as long as there was no drinking past 8pm because that's way past his bedtime.
hahahaha I know. Damn, I am bored today and it's raining out.
Congrats! I haven't gone 15 strait days of drinking or run an ultra marathon. But I walked my dogs! Does that count? HAHAHAHA
hahahaha, you live with Donnie. THAT counts more. :D
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