Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Willie Motherflippin' Nelson!!!!

So last night I went to see Willie Nelson at the Fillmore in SF. I've seen Willie once before in Austin, Tx. at a nice outdoor venue. Needless to say, there was a lot of extra curricular activity meds being handed out and I was feeling good last time. Well, SF doesn't disappoint, it was pretty cool, after some quick dinner at my favorite Korean joint around the corner, we headed up to the Fillmore and got in to have some beers before his son, Lukas Nelson went on to open the show.

It was pretty cool to see Willie's kids playing in the band. Son Micah on drums, "little sister" on piano and Lukas jamming on the guitar. As always he opened with "Whisky River" Damn, it was awesome. I saw a hippy that I felt like punching, till he started passing around the biggest flippin doob in the world. Figured he was doing a great service to the rest of the crowd. hahaha No need to partake, as the contact high from everyone smoking in the place was enough to make the world right. hahahaha

I got some shitty photos on my phone, but I'll put one up.

It was a great night, the place was sold out. As I was picking up our tickets at the box office, the guy in front of us bought out the last ticket to the show. Posters were handed out, and what was even better was that this was Inauguration day, and a one of poster to go with it.

Cool thing about Willie, is that he is in his 70's, and still jams on the guitar non-stop. The man is a machine. I'll definitely go see him again.

And on the way home we stopped off and grabbed some In&Out burger (double double cheeseburger) with a shake. Just for shits and giggles.

On another note, a friend of mine let me borrow a new cd of hers, the Kings of Leon. Pretty good stuff.


Donnie The Retard said...

Greatest Willie Nelson quote ever..."You wanna know how much condoms cost when I was young...fuck I don't know we didn't use the damn things!" I hope you choke on your In-N-Out you bastard (I'm just jealous) just had to take a picture of it didn't you, you suck donkey balls.

machete said...

Just for that penis breath, I'm going to get a double double tonight. ;) hahaha

Hell yeah, that old man just jammed for almost 2 hours.

Good quote.