Friday, June 5, 2009

B.B. King at the Fillmore

With Mark being a big blues fan, I managed to find some tickets to BB King at the Fillmore. So for his birthday we rolled on the bikes up to the city and caught a really historic act. It was amazing to watch the band come on, start to play and get the crowd warmed up, and then the announcer came on "And now, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. B.B. King...." to a roaring crowd.

The ladies love him, just as much as they do Willie Nelson. I don't know what it is about these old guys, but the ladies were at the brink of tossing their panties on stage. hahahaha

BB came out, center stage, took his seat, as Lucille was brought out to him. That had to be one of the greatest concerts that I saw. The Legendary B.B. King.

Fun times, more concerts to come.

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