Thursday, March 19, 2009

it's your job! DO IT!!!

After my trip to Colombia, I came home on a Wednesday and went straight to work on Thursday. I figured best thing to do was to keep busy till I could sort all things out.

The issue of superstition in the medical field is long and well documented. While some may scoff at the idea of anything "out of the ordinary" happening, I can say from personal experience that, "full moon" nights in the E.R. were hellaciously bad and insane. Nurses also don't like to say "We're not busy" for fear that in the next few minutes all hell will break loose and the pouring in of patients will occur...but it happens. So with that, it seemed that Friday the 13th would be just another day of superstition and nothing more. Wrong.

Thursday the 12th started out pretty normal, but at 0100 on the 13th, our first kid coded. It was a long and drawn out process, very serious, along with having to do CPR on this girl after she went into V-Tach and we lost blood pressures. Somewhere in the process of doing CPR, something "let go" inside and must have released the build up of blood in the peri-cardial sac because the chest tube containers filled up with blood as fast as we could replace it in her body. We replaced 3 containers that hold near to 1 liter each. Needless to say, we were working our asses off. She had cardiac tamponade, which was determined after the CXRY was reviewed.

Surgery showed up, and decided she needed to go to the O.R., but how to tranfer her in this severely unstable condition? While they were discussing it, one of the doctors began to state what he needed and wanted as far as nursing personnel to go with him to take the patient to the O.R. I found it odd, and infuriating when one of the RN's stated to me, that she didn't want to have to walk all the way to the O.R. room (in essence not wanting to help out, cause she would have to walk over to the O.R.) WHAT. THE. FUCK!?!?!?! are you serious?

I must have given her a very dirty look, but when I spoke to her, I was very calm and simply said, you know what "she's dying, and seriously might not make it out of the O.R., and yet, you will get to go home in the morning as if nothing has happened. Why don't you just suck it up, do your job, and do the best that you can while here" I think it made me mad mostly because I had the passing of my grandfather so fresh in my head. More than that though, it's her fucking job....suck it up, if you don't like it, go do something else. She shut up most expeditiously and went and did it without complaint.

I think sometimes people forget that they are dealing with other peoples lives and lose that sense of respect and dedication they should have to doing the best job they can. It's professionalism...and moreso it's the right thing to do. So your vagina hurts...big fucking deal...suck it up, in a few hours, you'll be home in bed, resting comfortably, while this person might be dead. Grow the fuck up.

okay, that's my rant.


Donnie The Retard said...

Bitching about doing your job must be a nurse thing because
I work with a bunch of nurses that provide support for injured field workers and they bitch about doing there job everyday. It's just fucked up.

machete said...

Tell me about it. To be honest, it's always the female nurses who sit and bitch about how tired they are, how hard life is and shit. Give me a break, get the sand out of your vagina and do your damn job!

ESPN said...

I think nurses get a chip on their shoulder because they have to deal with doctors all day! The nurses we deal with complain more than any one group I have ever been around! They work from home for Christ's sake.

Donnie The Retard said...

and they are 98% female...go figure.

machete said...

yeah. it's a veritable snake pit.
but the amusement never ends.
ask me why I went into the profession. ;)