Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is it me, or it my imagination?

The over reactive white parents come to the e.r. at 5am with c/o of kid moaning. Kid looks phenomenal on arrival, and gets blood work.

Mexican family comes in, fevers and same chief complaint...and off you go with a "viral infection", no treatment other than tylenol and motrin.

weird, cause assuming that all those kids aren't sick, has bitten people in the ass before.

sunny day in Austin today, nice cool weather this morning, took a deep breath as I walked out the e.r. doors, as per usual, and was in a good mood today. jamming to some cool jams now, as I fight the sleep, jazzed up as I count down to 2 more shifts at work here in Austin.

This contract has been amazingly fun. Lots of people that I got to meet, and some fun and drunk times here. I'm going to miss the dim witted, window lickers that I work with here, as they were all super fun, annoying, helpful, funny and loudmouthed, all rolled up into one.

countdown on days to go: 2

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